What if the Universe Is a Giant Ordering System?
Imagine stepping into the biggest, most unlimited warehouse in existence—a place where anything you desire can be ordered and delivered to your life. This warehouse is the Universe, an infinite ordering system that responds to your requests.
Now, think about how you shop online. Would you ever go to Amazon, Tokopedia, or another e-commerce site and order something without specifying exactly what you want? Would you just type in "some shoes" and hope for the best? Of course not! You’d select the style, size, color, and specific features that match your vision.
Yet, when it comes to creating our lives—whether it’s attracting a soulmate, landing our dream job, or finding the perfect home—many of us place fuzzy orders. We keep our desires vague, leaving room for misinterpretation, and then wonder why we feel unsatisfied with the results.
Stop Ordering What You Don’t Want—Immediately!
One of the biggest mistakes we make is focusing on what we don’t want instead of what we do want. The Universe doesn’t filter out negativity—it just delivers based on what you’re consistently thinking about. If you keep saying, “I don’t want a stressful job,” or “I don’t want another toxic relationship,” guess what? That’s exactly what you’ll keep attracting.
Shift your focus right now. Instead of thinking about what you want to avoid, clearly define what you do want and place that order instead.
Try this right now: Don't think about a pink elephant? Bet you thought about a pink elephant!
Why Do We Keep Our Desires Fuzzy?
Most of us do this out of fear—fear of disappointment, fear of rejection, or fear of believing we don’t deserve exactly what we want. If we keep things unclear, we can tell ourselves that we weren’t really aiming for that specific thing, so we won’t feel as let down when it doesn’t show up.
Instead of saying, “I want a deeply loving, passionate, and committed relationship,” we say, “I just want someone nice.” Instead of stating, “I want a career that allows me to work remotely, earn six figures, and feel creatively fulfilled,” we settle for, “I just want a job that pays the bills.”
This vagueness signals to the Universe that we aren’t fully committed to our desires. And when we place fuzzy orders, we get fuzzy results—half-satisfying relationships, jobs that feel ‘meh,’ and homes that don’t quite feel like ours.
What Happens When We Place Fuzzy Orders?
When we aren’t clear on what we want, we end up with:
❌ A job that pays decently but doesn’t fulfill us.
❌ A partner who’s nice but lacks emotional depth.
❌ A home that’s okay but doesn’t truly light us up.
And then we wonder why we aren’t as happy as we thought we’d be. The truth is, we got exactly what we ordered—but because our order wasn’t clear, it didn’t fully align with what we truly desired.
The Power of Clarity in Manifestation
To manifest powerfully, we need to get crystal clear on what we want—no vagueness, no half-formed desires. The Universe responds to specificity and certainty. When you’re precise about what you desire, you send out a clear signal, making it easier for opportunities to align with you.
But clarity isn’t just about knowing what you want—it’s also about creating the beliefs necessary to attract it. If you don’t believe you deserve a loving, passionate relationship, your subconscious will sabotage your efforts. If you don’t believe you can make great money doing what you love, you’ll continue settling.
How to Gain Clarity and Place the Right Order
If you’re tired of placing fuzzy orders and want to start manifesting with power, here are some steps to take:
1. Write a “Perfect Order” List
Sit down and write out exactly what you want in different areas of your life (relationships, career, home, health, etc.). Be specific. Instead of saying, “I want a new job,” say, “I want a job where I work remotely, earn $100K+, and feel creatively fulfilled.”
2. Check Your Beliefs
Ask yourself, Do I truly believe I can have this? If not, work on shifting limiting beliefs by using affirmations, visualization, and surrounding yourself with people who reflect the reality you want.
3. Get Rid of “Settling” Language
Remove phrases like “I just want something decent” or “As long as it’s okay” from your vocabulary. Speak with confidence and certainty.
4. Take Inspired Action
Don’t just wait for the Universe to deliver—act as if what you want is already on its way. If you want a dream home, start looking at houses. If you want a great relationship, start showing up as the person who would be in that relationship.
5. Surround Yourself with Clarity Seekers
Join communities that encourage you to think big, dream clearly, and take action. The Your Created Life Community is designed to help you gain clarity and create a life by design, not by default.
Your Life Is Waiting—Order Wisely
You wouldn’t order the wrong thing online, so why do it with your life? Start getting clear, start believing, and start manifesting with precision. What’s the first area of your life where you need more clarity? Let’s start placing the right orders together.