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  • Writer's pictureAmber Howard

Crafting Your Bubble: The Art of Maintaining a Healthy Mindset

In a world brimming with constant noise, stress, and distractions, maintaining a healthy mindset has become a daily battle for many of us. Personally, I've found solace and strength in what I like to call "placing a protective bubble" around myself.

It's not about pushing people or the world away, nor is it about blocking out the world entirely. Instead, it's a strategy I've embraced to take personal responsibility for my own well-being and to ensure I remain the kind of leader I'm committed to being for others.

Here's a glimpse into my personal approach to nurturing this protective bubble and three actions anyone can take to create their own fortress of mental well-being.

1. Guard Your Space and Relationships

The first step in building and maintaining my protective bubble is being vigilant about the spaces I inhabit and the people I choose to spend my time with. Surrounding yourself with positive and supportive individuals can make a world of difference. Toxic relationships and negative environments can erode our mental resilience and overall well-being.

I've learned to carefully assess the impact of people and places on my mindset. When I'm around those who uplift and inspire me, my protective bubble becomes stronger. I prioritize nurturing these relationships and seek out environments that foster positivity and growth. This isn't about isolating myself but rather creating a space where I can thrive emotionally and mentally.

2. Curate Your Consumables

What we consume, be it through social media, news, or entertainment, significantly affects our mindset. I've become more mindful of what I allow into my mental space. Just as we choose our physical diet, we must choose our mental diet as well.

One action you can take is to limit your exposure to negative or triggering content. Unfollow accounts or mute keywords on social media that consistently bring negativity into your life. Instead, follow accounts that inspire, educate, or entertain you in a positive way. Additionally, allocate time for news consumption and stick to it. This way, you can stay informed without becoming overwhelmed.

3. Monitor Your Inner Dialogue

One of the most potent aspects of my protective bubble is the commitment to keeping it clean from the inside. This means being conscious of my thoughts and the words I speak to myself. Our internal dialogue can either empower us or hold us back, so it's essential to nurture a positive self-talk habit.

I've developed a practice of daily affirmations and gratitude. It helps me counter any negative thoughts that may creep in. Additionally, I've learned to challenge my inner critic by questioning the validity of self-doubt and replacing it with self-compassion. Remember, the way you speak to yourself matters, so be your own biggest cheerleader.

In conclusion, my protective bubble isn't about shutting the world out; it's about crafting a shield that allows me to thrive while navigating life's challenges. By tending to the spaces and people I interact with, curating my mental diet, and nurturing a positive inner dialogue, I've created a robust fortress for my well-being.

I invite you to explore these actions in your own life. Building a protective bubble isn't selfish; it's a declaration of personal responsibility for your mental health and a commitment to being the best version of yourself for the people who rely on your leadership and support. Embrace this powerful tool, and watch as it transforms your mindset and empowers you to face life's ups and downs with resilience and grace.

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